Why should I give money to the church?
To put it in simple terms, it is what God tells us to do. A common error of thought for many Christians is that we are giving to God a portion of what is ours. In truth, the tithe is not ours to give to God but for us to give back to God. We consider it our way of acknowledging that everything we have belongs to Him.
“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:7, 10-11
What are my giving dollars used for?
Your gifts are used to fund God’s work through the ministry of FaithLife Church. Our mission is to Raise, Equip, and Release Disciples. FaithLife Church has many community and global outreach projects. We currently support three regions, including Asia Pacific (Cambodia, Myanmar and Indigenous Australia), Europe (Czech Republic and Serbia) and Africa (Ethiopia). For more information about our specific projects you can check out our website.
What is the difference between a tithe and an offering?
There is a clear biblical difference between tithes and offerings. The Bible mentions both of them separately, even though the Lord required both to be brought to Him. For an individual, a tithe is the tenth of all the income that God provides. Offerings are gifts given to God above the tithe. There are people who God has blessed financially who may be able to give 10%, 20% or even more of their income and still live comfortably.
Should I be tithing on my net or gross earnings?
We are encouraged in Proverbs 3:9-10, where God’s Word instructs us to give Him the very first and best part of the income He has blessed us with. If we tithe on our “net” we are putting other expenses and deductions above the tithe and not making God first in our giving or in our finances.
What if we believe we can’t afford to tithe right now?
It is during the time when we are experiencing financial struggles that we can’t afford to not tithe. During difficult economic times, many people think that if they give they may not be able not to pay rent, fill up petrol for their vehicle, or even buy groceries for the week. We understand it’s a struggle, but we also understand God is bigger than our financial struggles. It’s a good time to ask ourselves, “Are we trusting in our abilities or in God?” II Corinthians 9:6 reminds us, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” For many people, we would simply challenge you to reevaluate your priorities. We are not saying to only live on water and rice every day, or to sell your car, and don’t spend money unless it’s on food, clothing and shelter. What we would suggest is that you evaluate what you ARE spending your money on and ask yourself if you’re living as though all you have belongs to God.
God is always faithful to take care of us. No matter what we are currently experiencing financially, God promises to meet all of our needs. See Philippians 4:19. If you currently struggling financially and experiencing financial hardship, we encourage you to reach out to us and we can see how we can help you.
Is it difficult to set up online giving?
No, it is very easy. Simply click on the Giving link on the website or the FaithLife Church app and it will take you to a user-friendly website where you can set up your online account. You can make one-time gifts or even setup recurring gifts to make sure you are consistent with your giving. If you have any questions, you can contact us at enquiries@faithlifechurch.com.au and we can answer any questions you may have.
Is giving online secure?
Yes. We make sure your personal details and information are secure and protected. We request information from a user on our site if the user performs a financial transaction. The information you give to us through our online giving system is for the sole purpose of processing your contribution. We do not sell or give away your private information for any reason. The entire process is safe and completely secure.
What are some non-cash ways to give to FaithLife Church?
You can donate items, your time and services throughout the week or on our Sunday services. You can even donate your gifts and talents as well! For more information, please contact enquiries@faithlifechurch.com.au.
Can I view my past giving history online?
Your past history of giving is available to view online and are updated to your account weekly. The only giving we will not have a record of is cash offerings, which were not accompanied by a name to credit the cash offering to.