Throughout my life I have come across a few people and situations that pointed me to God. It is not often that I meet people who are genuine and make me feel “right” when they share about God.

It is through the persistence of my best friend, whom I trusted, that I decided to finally give Alpha another go.
What I found out about Alpha was that I was comfortable during the sessions, with genuine hosts that were not zealous/ intense. Alpha became a series of discovery that answered some of the questions I have about God. The content of Alpha appealed to my logical way of thinking and made sense to me.

Honestly speaking, I wasn’t expecting myself to accept God in my life during the Alpha weekend. But something in me chose to do it, and I guess that something was God working in my life. I also realised that I did not have a good reason why I shouldn’t believe in God.

Even though I did not fully understand about Christianity or the bible, I chose to believe first before understanding. By accepting God in my life, I have gained comfort, peace and never felt more confident in myself. Also, I have been listening to podcasts and sermons and amazed by how relatable and relevant God’s teaching is to our daily lives and struggles.

For all non-believers, even if you think God is just a concept, you’ll find that it’s a concept filled with love, peace, gratitude, forgiveness and hope.
At the end of the day, even if Christianity turns out to be false, what have you to lose? Nothing, but you may learn how to be a good human being. If it is a real deal, then you experience God and can have a personal relationship with Him – how good is that!

I hope anyone with an open mind who read this, will give yourself a chance to know God through Alpha. Because you have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

-Wilson Lee

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Hi, I am a part of the Alpha team and I would like to share about how Alpha has been a blessing to my elderly parents.

Prior to my mum joining Alpha, she was struggling with sleep and dealing with anxiety. Incidentally, someone had forwarded her a video on prayer. She found the prayer reassuring and wrote it on a piece of paper, which was then used as a guide to pray before sleep. She shared excitedly with me that she slept well that night!

It was timely that Alpha was being run and presented an opportunity for invitation. I decided to invite both my parents to join our Alpha session on “How and why do we pray?”. Since that session, they decided to keep coming for the other sessions. I felt really blessed that Alpha has been instrumental in showcasing God’s amazing love for them.

My mum’s prayer gave her peace. This led to my dad being more vocal about his concerns and desiring a deeper relationship with God. The Holy Spirit weekend was the highlight as they both sought to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

God surely works in mysterious ways and I am thankful for the support from the Alpha team and our Pastors. I am assured and elated for the eternal salvation of my parents. Praise God!

God knows the desires of your heart especially if you have loved ones who do not yet know Christ. I encourage you to take this step of faith and invite them to Alpha and bring them on this wonderful journey.

-Eric Chan

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