FAITHLIFE CHURCH (the Church) is committed to promoting and protecting the interests and safety of children. We have zero tolerance for child abuse. Everyone working at the Church is responsible for the care and protection of children and reporting information about child abuse.
If any person believes a child is in immediate risk of abuse, telephone 000 and ask to speak to the Police.
This policy applies to all Church members (aged 18 years and over), employees, volunteers, ministers, contractors and the Board members (together, the workers) of the Church, whether they engage face-to-face, online or remotely with children.
A child is defined as a person under the age of 18 years, or as according to the applicable legislation.
The purpose of this policy is to:
- prevent child abuse within the Church Environment;
- promote a culture of child safety;
- ensure that all people are aware of their responsibilities for identifying possible occasions for child abuse and for establishing controls and procedures for preventing such abuse and/or detecting such abuse when it occurs;
- provide guidance as to action that should be taken where people suspect any abuse has occurred within or outside the Church;
- provide a clear statement to all parties forbidding any such abuse; and
- provide assurance that any and all suspected abuse will be reported and investigated.
For the purposes of this Policy, “the Church Environment” means any physical or virtual place made available or authorised by the Church Board for use by a child, including:
- a premises of the Church;
- online Church environments (including email and social media); and
- other locations provided by the Church for a child’s use (including, without limitation, locations used for Church camps, activities, programs, and other events).
The following principles form the foundations of this policy and guide the development and regular review of our work systems, practices, policies and procedures to protect children from abuse:
- the Church is committed to promoting and protecting the best interests of children involved in its programs;
- all children, regardless of their gender, race, religious beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family or social background, have a right to feel safe and be safe at the Church and have equal protection from abuse;
- child protection is everyone’s responsibility;the Church will take into account the diversity of all children, including (but not limited to) the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, children with disabilities, and children who are
- the Church will consider the opinions of children and use their opinions to develop child protection policies;
- everyone covered by this policy must also comply with the Child Safety Code of Conduct Policy which sets out stringent standards of behaviour.
The Board of Eldership members has ultimate responsibility for the detection and prevention of child abuse and is responsible for:
- ensuring that appropriate and effective internal control systems are in place; and
- ensuring that appropriate policies and procedures and a Child Safety Code of Conduct are in place.
The Executive Minister/CEO of the Church is responsible for:
- dealing with, reporting and investigating concerns of child abuse;
- ensuring that all workers are aware of relevant laws, Church policies and procedures, and the Church’s Code of Conduct;
- ensuring that all adults within the Church’s community are aware of their obligation to report suspected sexual abuse of a child in accordance with these policies and procedures;
- educate workers about the prevention and detection of child abuse;
- assess the risk of child abuse within their area of control and eradicate or minimise any risk to the extent possible;
- ensuring that all relevant workers have a Working with Children Check (WWCC) consistent with this Policy; and
- providing ongoing support for workers of the Church in undertaking their child safety obligations, including training and supervision.
All Ministers must ensure that they:
- promote child safety at all times; and
- facilitate the reporting of any inappropriate behaviour or suspected abusive activities.
All workers share in the responsibility for the prevention and detection of child abuse and must:
- promote child safety at all times;
- familiarise themselves with the relevant laws, the Code of Conduct, and the Church’s policy and procedures in relation to child protection, and comply with all requirements;
- report concerns about child safety as soon as possible to the Child Safety Officer (CSO), and/or Executive Minister/CEO and
- provide an environment that is supportive of the emotional and physical safety of children.
The Church will ensure that child safety is a part of its overall risk management approach.
Nominated CSO will be available to listen, discuss and clarify issues confronting individuals in relation to child physical and sexual abuse. The CSO will make reports on behalf of the Church and ensure that adequate records are maintained.
Child abuse includes:
- any act committed against a child involving:
- a sexual offence; or
- grooming; and
- the infliction, on a child of:
- physical violence; or
- serious emotional or psychological harm; and
- serious neglect of a child.
To meet our child safety commitment, we implement the following:
The Church takes all reasonable steps to employ skilled people to work with children. We undertake comprehensive recruitment and screening process for all new workers which aims to:
- promote and protect the safety of all children within the Church Environment;
- identify and recruit the safest and most suitable candidates who share the Church’s values and commitment to protect children; and
- prevent a person from working or volunteering at the Church if they pose an unacceptable risk to children.
All workers engaged by the Church in the Children’s Ministry must have a current and valid WWCC. Relevant employees, volunteers and contractors must provide evidence of such WWCC before they commence work with the Church, and are informed of the Church’s Child Protection Policy, Child Protection Procedure and Child Safety Code of Conduct Policy within their letter of appointment or on-board materials.
Board members are also required to have current WWCC, which are recorded and checked by Executive Minister/CEO.
The Church will exercise discretion and may in addition to any other requirements require workers to provide a police check in accordance with the law or as appropriate, before they commence their duties within the Church and during their time with the Church at regular intervals.
The Church is pro-active in the area of prevention and will communicate and disseminate the Child Protection Policy, Child Protection Procedure and Child Safety Code of Conduct Policy
in the manner below:
- Website
- FaithLife Church APP
- Induction training and refresher training sessions for employees, volunteers, contractors and board members; and
- Children Ministry induction packs/manuals.
The Church will ensure that its child safety practices and code of conduct are communicated in an accessible manner for:
- Younger children, by discussing the documents in person (and any other method deemed appropriate and effective or the particular age of the child); and
- Children with a disability, by discussing the documents in person (and any other method deemed appropriate and effective for the particular type of disability that the student is living with).
Workers of the Church must comply with all applicable mandatory reporting obligations. The obligations and procedures relating to mandatory reporting are set out in the table below.
With respect to mandatory reporting obligations the following is relevant:
- Disclosure: Reporting child sexual abuse is a community-wide responsibility. All adults who have a reasonable belief that an adult has committed a sexual offence against a child have an obligation to report that information to the police.
- Protection: People of authority in the Church will commit an offence if they know of a substantial risk of child sexual abuse and have the power or responsibility to reduce or remove the risk, but negligently fail to do so.
The Church supports and encourages workers to make a report to the Police and/or the relevant regulator/government agency if they form a belief on reasonable grounds that a child is in need of protection, or they are concerned about the safety, health or wellbeing of a child. If a worker would like internal guidance or support with addressing their concerns, they are encouraged to speak with a CSO.
In the case of an allegation being made against a worker at the Church, the CSO will follow the Child Protection Procedure in consultation with the Executive Minister/CEO or delegate.
In Victoria, certain individuals are required to report to relevant authorities and regulators if they are concerned that a child is at risk of physical or sexual abuse. There is also discretion to report concerns of physical, sexual and psychological abuse and neglect of a child.
If the DHHS, the Commission or the police decide to conduct an investigation of a report, all workers must co-operate fully with the investigation.
Whether or not the authorities decide to conduct an investigation, the Executive Minister/CEO or delegate will consult with the authorities to determine whether an internal investigation is appropriate. If it is decided that such an investigation will not conflict with any proceeding of the authorities, the Executive Minister/CEO or delegate may decide to conduct such an investigation.
Any such investigation will be conducted according to the rules of natural justice.
The Executive Minister/CEO will make every effort to keep any such investigation confidential; however, from time to time other members of staff, volunteers, contractors or Board members may need to be consulted in conjunction with the investigation.
After an initial review and a determination that the suspected abuse warrants additional investigation, the Executive Minister/CEO shall coordinate the investigation with the appropriate investigators and/or law enforcement officials. Internal or external legal representatives will be involved in the process, as deemed appropriate.
If it is alleged that a worker may have committed an offence or have breached the Church’s policies or its Code of Conduct the person concerned may be stood down (with pay, where applicable) while an investigation is conducted.
If the investigation concludes that on the balance of probabilities an offence (or a breach of the Church’s policies or Code of Conduct) has occurred then disciplinary action may follow, up to and including dismissal or cessation of involvement with the organisation. The findings of the investigation will also be reported to any external body as required.
Every two years, and following every reportable incident, a review shall be conducted to assess whether the Church’s child protection policies or procedures require modification to better protect the children under the Church’s care.
- Child Protection Procedure
- Child Safety Code of Conduct Policy
- OHS Policy: First Aid Policy and Procedure
Solveig Fabiyanic
Executive Minister/CEO