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“Lost in the Detail”

By Ps AJ Chuson of Zeal Youth and Young Adults

Self reflection and meditation is a great set of tools to help you surface problems and issues lurking in your heart, and at times it can help solidify your faith from what you’ve just experienced, witnessed or heard. However, there is the question we must ask ourselves is where is the line drawn for you? What are your boundaries in taking thoughts captive and guarding your heart? Reflection and meditation are great, but at what point in your life do you start to brood over the past occurrence? When left unchecked, the thing that was meant to be painful for 2 hours has now lasted 2 years. What are you letting brood in your life?

There is a professional sports coach in America that has this rule called the 24 hour rule. She had developed this rule where regardless of win or loss, the team would move on and forget about the game that had just passed. Definitely acknowledge that it happened, but it’s vital to understand that that day is done and over. For us Christians this means that when we face troubles, defeats, tribulations, disruption in our relationships and loss, we need to be intentional in that moment. Grieve, pour out, scream, yell, cry, all these and other strategies to intentionally use these today to remove the clutter of disappointment in your heart.

Once you remove these things you will soon start to notice that if you’ve been steadfast with God through it all, you will see momentum. You will feel it and you will embody what it means to have momentum. Nothing slows you down anymore- you’re free!

This is the important lesson for today. Be intentional in your season, because the 24 hour rule also applies to winning. Victory is coming your way, not from you but from God. However God is not satisfied with only one victory in your life and He is telling you today that victory is intended for you, and when that day comes and goes, another day of victory awaits.

A simple but powerful thing you must remember is that you can’t get to your destination without direction and intention, but each of these are only as good as words without movement. You must move and through that naturally gain momentum. Now, this is where a lot of people make mistakes, this is where they try to slow things down because it’s uncomfortable. But growth cannot occur in the comfortable. Take it like how you’ve grown out of your shirt when you were the age of 5, try that shirt on again and you’ll be struggling to put it back on- that’s because you’ve outgrown it and if you were to wear it again it would be uncomfortable. Don’t fall under the illusion that God only works in the comfortable. 

These are what I call spiritual growing pains, as God will take you through experiences that are uncomfortable but after stepping through it you would experience exponential growth. The issue a lot of Christians have is that they’re too comfortable to step into what God has for them- Just like the Israelites and Egypt. God has amazing things for you in store- stop holding yourself back.


1. What are some things you are currently brooding over? Why?

2. Do you believe you are created to be victorious?