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“Lost in the Detail”

By Ps AJ Chuson of Zeal Youth and Young Adults

Breathing, it’s something that most of you would do at a subconscious level. We’ve heard before that what we inhale is Oxygen, and what we exhale is Carbon Dioxide, and this process is what helps us fuel and exhaust the things that our body needs to live. Similarly there are things that we may subconsciously pick up and attain, seeming like it’s what we need but in reality it’s causing more harm than good. 

Addictions in particular give the urge and the notion that without it you are worse off. One tell tale way to know you’re addicted is testing if those things are removed from you for 24 hours would you survive? Or would it be the most painful time? For some of you it may not be at that level but the challenge may come in urges. This is also an addiction. What are you allowing into your life that is becoming a detriment to your growth in faith? Yes, even doing work and studies can become an addiction.

On a similar note, what are you releasing from your life onto others? Is it the fruits of the Spirit or is it something else? For some of you what you let out is developed from a pain or struggle from the past. If you can’t help but find yourself or being told that you interrupt, it’s not that you’re a bad person, it simply highlights that you’ve grown up in an environment where you have to compete for your voice to be heard. Similarly if you find yourself always raising your voice needlessly above others it’s from experiencing a hurt that people have always ignored what you’ve said- so now you’re speaking louder than everyone around you so you can gain that attention you’ve longed for. Or perhaps you’re the opposite, you may find yourself apologising a lot to the point where people don’t understand why you continue to apologise- this is likely because you’ve been told off in a setting that made you uncomfortable, so now you apologise preemptively as to not be in any trouble.

When you see these things in yourselves or other people you mustn’t feel ashamed or cast shame onto them because there is a scar or wound there that is affecting how they speak, not only to others but also to themselves. There is so much power and authority in your speech, the bible even goes on to say that there is the power of life and death in your tongue! 

So what are you speaking over your situation right now? Is it life? Or is it death? Another question to consider is how much of your speech is dictated by past hurts or past victories? 

You have the decision to choose where the voice is coming from and what you’re speaking into your life. Today it’s time to bring these things into the light and expose the lies, insecurities and false accusations out into the open. It’s not your fault and whatever it is you’ve gone through or going through doesn’t disqualify you from inhaling God’s goodness.

Practical Tasks:

1. Make a list titled “Qualities I have”

2. Make a list titled “Qualities I’d like to have”

3. Cross out the title “Qualities I’d like to have” and rename it as “Qualities God plans for me to have”