“Our Five Intentional Cultural Values develop the beliefs and behaviours needed
to outwork our Apostolic Mission and Prophetic Vision.”


our praise lifestyle

We are committed to experience and encounter the presence of God at our Celebration meetings weekly at Church. The Word of God exhorts and inspires us: to gather together, as His called out ones, (ecclesia) to worship; to hear relevant and life-changing Biblical teaching and instruction; to encourage and minister to one another through service and love; to gather to experience the atmosphere of faith, hope, love, joy and peace in Jesus Christ.


our discipleship lifestyle

A fervent follower of Jesus Christ is a disciple, one who has surrendered his/her life to Jesus Christ. They are committed to following Him, committed to spiritual maturity, deepening in prayer, worship, spiritual understanding, equipped to minister and always seeking intimacy through active devotion. A disciple is one who is committed to growing in the life of the church, to the mission, vision and values, through regular attendance at Celebration services, involvement in LifeGroup, attending equipping and training nights so that you are equipped for every good work, lacking nothing and sharing the good news of the Gospel.


our fellowship lifestyle

LifeGroups are authentic environments of God’s people who are growing together in dynamic relationships, developing their gifts and ministry expression, building deep and rewarding friendships, and purposefully reaching out to our world with the genuine love of Jesus Christ. As disciples of Jesus we commit to growing in connection, caring and loving others beyond ourselves, and influencing a watching world.


our ministry lifestyle

We have been given so much so we can be a blessing to others. God is pleased when we are generous to others with our time, talent, finances, and use our spiritual gifting to bless and minister to others. Through our generosity we prove and proclaim that God is first in our lives, honouring God with our tithe and offerings, and when we serve and use our resources and gifts for their benefit.


our missional lifestyle

We are sent ones, bringing Kingdom transformation to the world through our engagement of preaching the Gospel and bringing transformation to the spheres of influence of our community. Our co-mission is to reach out with the tangible love of Jesus, the Gospel of Hope and see nations discipled for Jesus. This is both global and local in its influence.