”We exist to raise up, equip and release
Our Apostolic Mission
disciples of Jesus Christ, who will bring Kingdom transformation to communities,
cities and nations for the glory of God.
Our Mission clarifies the unique purpose of our local church – it’s our job description – the one thing we need to do to be successful at what Jesus Christ has called us to do. It articulates the the kind of people God wants us to ‘be‘ and the work He wants us to ‘do‘. We want to be people who are fervent in our love and worship for God and fervent in our love and service for people.
Our Mission dictates what we exist to do, how we are to do it, clarifies our purpose and compels us to stay focused on the journey, til we see it fulfilled. Fulfilling our part of the Great Commission is our specific assignment Jesus Christ has given to our local church.
‘Apostolic’ – comes from the word ‘Apostolos’ or ‘sent one’. The Father sent Jesus Christ into the world, and in turn Jesus Christ has sent us as his representative with a clear job description – the Great Commission. This Great Commission is a partnership or co-mission between us and Jesus which clearly instructs us that, “...He is with us [the apostles] until the end of the age.” An apostle is someone who is sent somewhere, by someone, to do something. Jesus Christ was sent to the world by the Father to seek and save that which was lost.
We have been sent in the same way, and we must be focused on our mission relentlessly and faithfully.
”Our Vision is to be a dynamic church with a strong spiritual atmosphere of faith, hope and love, where every believer is a transformed disciple, released into ministry, who honours God and brings Kingdom transformation to our world.
Our Prophetic Vision
Our Vision helps the Church to clarify what success looks like. It defines the destination and direction for the church to move towards. It is God’s ‘prophetic‘ word, spoken of our future for the church and our ultimate goal for success. It answers the question, ‘where is the church going?’. It is both global and local in application. Jesus has appointed leaders and given specific gifts to people so that there is a partnership involved, but we are the junior partners in His work.
Our Vision is tuned into what God has spoken to our church through the various prophetic words, and what He wants to do in and through us. It is a vision that each one of us can see and clarifies our culture, ministries, program and objectives.
Our Prophetic Vision comes from God’s prophetic purpose for our church, that represents His very heart, our vision puts language to this, articulating and presenting a picture of what the future success will look like. We believe that this vision captivates, inspires and illuminates the Dream and the Destination, while winning hearts to its call. Vision captures God’s heart for the church, and our Vision is compelling, powerful and insistent on the call to action.
FaithLife Church is becoming all the Father has spoken and intended for us to be. That means everyone can run with this vision towards our future.